Thursday, August 26, 2010

When I was a boy, Japan was a poor country.But! No,5, 26/8/2010

 In 1962, American TV shows were very very popular among Japanese people. Comedy,Western stories,
Family drama, etc.
I played with my friends Western style plsy. I had a lot of toy guns at that time. That play was very interesting thing. I rememmber that still now.
From this year, peoples salary became up and up. Japanese peoples life style had changed and changed.
People bought new electric appliances. japanese people want to get American dreams.
"American style" That sounds new and fresh. That had continued many many years. From my kids days to
my adolt days.
1962 was a special year for Japanese people. Everybody says so. I have good memories in 1962.
I was a third grade student of elementary school. About fifty years passed. But, I rememmber.---------------
I rememmber many things.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1962 was a good year.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

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