Sunday, November 30, 2014

Who saves the world? The world is waiting for the real strong leader.

Who saves the world?
The world is waiting for the real strong leader.
In this world,
A lot of battles, A lot of Frictions, A lot of terrorism. ant time anywhere.
People of the world are always suffering from that.
But no leader can resolves that.
People of the world are so sad.
We need the leader of leaders now.
Come here.
Come now.
Let me say again.
The world is waiting for the real strong leader.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

American police must consider and learn NEW STYLE CHECK AGAINST PEOPLE.

American police must consider and learn New Style Check against People.
Many times White Officer killed  Black person this 50 years.
If American police continue to kill Black person unreasonable style,
People won't be able to trust American police not only American people but also People all of the world.
American police must comprehend own position.
It's not good.
American police must consider and learn how to check people seriously.
America must build New America.
American police know that?
I don't know.
Don't kill Black person easily.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Calm down Ferguson. Calm down Missouri. Calm down U.S.A. !

Calm down Ferguson. Calm down Missouri. Calm Down U.S.A.!
Will you do me a favor Ladies and Gentlemen of U.S.A.?
Now People all over the world anxious about the matter of Police officer shot the young man.
Violence isn't good.
Violence will make young man's second life.
Calm down all people of Ferguson.
Please be cool.
Will you negotiate calmly?
Violence never bring you happiness.
O.K. ?
Thank you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What do you think about the difference between THE RICH STATES and THE POOR STATES?

What do you think about the difference between THE RICH STATES and THE POOR STATES?
The difference will be bigger and bigger in U.S.A.
The situation is very serious.
Can the poor states in U.S.A become the rich states?
It's not easy job.
The leader of States  can do that.
American people must consider what U.S.A. is.

*How about my facebook?      Put like button please.

Monday, November 24, 2014

We expect the success of negotiation between U.S. and Iran.

We expect the success of negotiation between U.S. and Iran.
The success of negotiation will bring stable relation not only both two countries but also
Middle east Asia Africa Europe all countries of the world.
President Obama's diplomacy is very important American future.
Do you know?
American people must comprehend this.
So, let's support President Obama.
For the bright American future.
For the bright world future.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Listen ! Serious voice of President Obama from his heart.

Listen ! Serious voice of President Obama from his heart.
He tries to do good job.
Don't say LAME DUCK to him.
His final two years is so important American people.
Economic growth of U.S.A. is essential thing not only U.S.A. but also all countries of the world.
President Obama's good job will save U.S.A. absolutely.
And he will make NEW U.S.A. absolutely.

Friday, November 21, 2014

President Obama. Thank you for sending me the important mail. I'm so happy.

President Obama. Thank you for sending me the important mail.
Title of mail is,
"American immigration system is broken.
The president is taking executive action to fix what he can to help build a system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants."
Two years of President Obama from now isn't easy way.
American people had better support seriously.
U.S.A. has many things to resolve to improve.
Don't say Lame Duck to President Obama.
Please respect your President.
It's very important thing for American people.
Please remember TWO YEARS FROM NOW is very important.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Look Japan Pay attention Japanese Prime Minister Sinzo Abe.

Look Japan. Pay attention Japanese Prime Minister Sinzo Abe.
He will say important thing this evening. (About P.M. 06:00 November 18 Japan Time)
May be his address is, "Dissolve The Diet."
And also he will say,
"Postpone of consumption tax from 8%to 10 %.
Now The Diet members of Opposite parties are very angry.
Heavy battle will occur absolutely.
Can Japanese Prime Minister Sinzo Abe keep his power?
The situation is very serious.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The alliance of Japan and U.S. is important. But Japan may begin to confuse.

The Washington Post said,
"In blow for Tokyo and Washington, Okinawa elects anti-base governor."
Okinawa prefecture governor Nakaima lost the election.
New Governor Onawa was born.
He has Anti Relocation plan the function of the air station from Ginowan to the Henoko.
Can Japanese Government promote the plan?
It's not easy. So hard job.
May be Japanese Prime Minister Sinzo Abe dissolve The Diet soon.
Japan may begin to confuse now.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


How many countries where the government guarantee and keep fundamental rights in this world?
Not many. A few countries exist in this world.
It's one of the saddest things in this world.
Who improves this bad situation?
The leaders of big countries?
May be NO.
United Nations?
May be NO.
People of this world must get human rights by themselves.
Let me say the important thing of our future.
The countries that are out of date will destroy our world.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


I know Islamic countries(Not Islamic state) seek the way to progressed countries.
They are suffering from many things.
Especially female's daily life.
The leaders of Islamic countries know females daily life of their countries are out of date.
But they can do nothing.
Now progressed countries:It's quite remarkable how woman are participating in social affairs these days.
But Islamic females case, as you know, OUT OF DATE.
Yes, of course.
But Islamic countries must change the situation.
It's not easy job.
Progressed countries had better help and support them.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Can we save Africa not only Ebola but also many things of many fields?

Can we save Africa not only Ebola but also many things of many fields?
Can you say,
"Yes, we can."
Only to say that is very easy but to do that is so hard.
Near the future, Africa will be powerful countries?
We hope so.
But the way to progressed countries ins't easy.
Africa must clear many hard things.
They must build the society that is no internal troubles at first.
Africa is the important place.
Because Africa is the land where first human beings were born in ancient days.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Now Republicans power is bigger and bigger.
Democrats realize the situation?
I don't know.
The situation isn't easy for Democrats.
Is next President of U.S.A. Republican?
I don't know.
Who is the candidate of President of U.S.A. Democrats?
Show the power Democrats.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Many Media and many people said,
"Now President Obama became LAME DUCK."
Is the situation O.K. ?
People of U.S.A. listen my opinion.
The time that from now to this two years is
very important days for American people.
Because main reason is ECONOMIC RECOVERY.
Economic recovery of U.S.A. is very important not only U.S.A.
but also all countries of the world.
American people must consider Economic recovery.
Don't say Lame Duck.
Let's consider this two years seriously.
The behavior of People of U.S.A. make THE BRIGHT AMERICAN FUTURE.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Can American people have a big American dream?

Can American people have a big American dream?
May be less than 50% American people have a American dream.
Many people of this world say,
"Now U.S.A. lost the super power. Now U.S.A. isn't the most biggest country in this world."
This is the saddest thing not only American people but also People all of the world.
American people must rebuild THE SUPER POWER COUNTRY again by ordinary people's power.
This is very important thing for the people of this world to our bright future.
May be you think so too.
Let's rebuild THE SUPER POWER U.S.A.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

We must make The Government of The World soon.

We must The Government of The World soon.
In this world, many many battle, many many big problem exist.
Who resolve that?
United Nations?
United Nations has no power to resolve that.
The leaders of the world,
think of setting THE GOVERNMENT OF THE WORLD seriously.
It's the best way for people of the world to the future.

The campaign,"Anti Japan" of South Korea will destroy South Korea.

The campaign,"Anti Japan" of South Korea will destroy not only South Korea
but also Korean peninsula.
The campaign is out of date.
Japan paid much money to South Korea many times.
If South Korea want to money more,
will you get money by your hands.
Japan isn't  the bank of South Korea.
Japan can't pay money any more.
Japan paid good enough money to South Korea already.
South Korea must know the serious fact.
The fact is People of the world can't trust South Korea.
And also South Korea must know THE NEAR THE FUTURE seriously.

Friday, November 7, 2014

President of South Korea Park, listen my opinion.

President of South Korea Park, Listen my opinion.
Do you know the strict fact?
Now people of the world hate South Korea.
Your daily address is very strange.
People can't trust you and South Korea.
Change your opinion.
Change your attitude.
Do you want to destroy your country?
May be NO.
So listen my opinion.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


The new wind blows in U.S.A.
President Obama must realize the fact seriously.
People of U.S.A. hope to REAL CHANGE.
People of U.S.A. hope to NEW AMERICAN DREAM.
People of U.S.A. hope to NEW POLITICAL POLICY.
President Obama must make the new society.
Will you say NEVER GIVE UP?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Congress men of U.S.A. must build the society where people always have good hopes.

Congress men of U.S.A. must build the society where people always have good hopes.
Many people have different hopes.
It's not easy job for Congress men of U.S.A. to make fulfill their dreams.
The situation of U.S.A. is so serious still now as you know.
The new leader of U.S.A. must know that deeply.
When People of U.S.A. can't have hopes, the leaders of U.S.A. can nothing.

Thank you China. You did a good job. China gave a statement about poaching.

After my blame about Chinese boats poaching in Japan islands,
China gave us a statement about poaching in Japan islands.
Thank you China, you did a good job.
This time I appreciate your good job.
China get back common sense again?
I don't know.
But I hope so.
The relation of Japan and China is very important for the future of the world.
Nowadays the relation of Japan and China isn't good.
This is saddest thing.
Let's improve the situation.
So will you manage Chinese boats poaching in Japan islands at first?
I hope the good jobs of China  from now to forever.

Monday, November 3, 2014

China became the very rude country. Chinese fishing boats never quite poaching near Japanese islands.

People of the world, listen my words carefully about China.
Nowadays China became the very rude country.
Chinese fishing boats never quite poaching near Japanese islands.
Ogasawara islands and Izu islands are Japanese own lands.
Not Chinese lands.
This action is against the international law.
What do you think about this action?
Absolutely NO.
China must know international law.