Tuesday, May 26, 2020

High school girls. Child or Adolt? What do you think about that?

High school girls, Child or Adolt?

What do you think about that?

May be, Nobody can give us good answers.

Many many teachers of the world are suffering from high school girls.

Many teachers say, " I can't understand what high school girls thyink."

At that time,  I said to them,

" Try to remember the kind of high school days."

They said,

"Yes. Tha's right. I always try toremember the kind of high school days. But I can't understand what high school girls think"

High school girls are not from another planet.

Same human being with us.

Communicating each other makes us good result.

Communication makes us happy !!!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Who saves poor covid-19 infected people? Nobody !!!

Who saves poor coved 19 infected people?

Nobody !!!

Now many many people of the world are suffering from covid 19.

Afria, South America, Middle East,  East Asia.

Trump saves them?       No!

United Nation saves them No!

From now the rich people will become rich more and more.

Poor peope will become poor more and more.

Nobody improves the situation.

What is our future?

I don't know.

Our job is making a good world.

May be you think so too!!!

Frank Sinatra - Strangers In The Night (1966) (with Lyrics) (��)

Thursday, May 14, 2020

President Trump, Change your attitude will you?

President Trump. Listen my opinion.

Nowadays, your speech isn't good.

Your speech invite PREJUDISE and DISCRIMINATION.


You must realize what U.S.A. is !!!

In U.S.A. many people from the world.

They are not your favorite people.

President Trump,

"Your speech invite and make BIG PREJUDISE and BIG DESCRIMINATION."

You had better change your attitude.

If you change your attitude, you can win the next Presidencial election.

Listen my opinion seriously.

For your bright future !!!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Chinese Leader Xi, "China must compensate the big loss of progressed countries !!! "

Chinese Leader Xi,

Listen my opinion will you?

You must compensate the big loss of progressed countires of the world.

The big damages of the corona virus destroyed the world.

Politics, Econmics, Culture, and etc.

Mr. Xi,

"What do you think about the responsibility of China?"

If you say, "No, resposibility" You will lose not only your position but also lose Chinese fame.

You had better consider bright future of China.

Mr Xi,

"Your best decision saves the world.

I expect your good job !!!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Hello American. Let's make ONE AMERICA BIG and STRONG !!!

Hello American.

Let's make ONE AMERIKA !!!


Now America has two groups.

One is republican group.

The other is democrats group.

This two groups hate each other nowadays.

We must improve the situation.

Try to remember Big and Strong America !!!

And Let's make that again !!!

Hurry up !!!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Now the world faces BIG CRISIS. We shall overcome soon !!!

Now the world faces BIG CRISIS that we've ever and never know.

But don't afraid so much.

We shall overcome soon.

New Corona Virus Covid 19 is the strong enemy for the people of the world.

No medicine in this world.

Don't worry. we will find good medicine soon.

Wait for a while.

Now our duty ,

1, Wash hands

Wash mouth, "Gargle"

3, Wash your all parts of your body.

Keep your health and condition !!!

Let's make the bright future of this world !!!

Friday, March 27, 2020

China must say, "So Sorry." to the world !!!

China must say,

"So Sorry."

to the world.

Why is the new virus always born from China?

Chinese leader Xi msut answer this question.

And also he must say about Chinese rsposbility.

China has a lot of resposbility of NEW CORONA VIRUS.

Chinese leader Xi you know,

"Many people of U.S.A. are sufering from NEW CORONA VIRUS COBID 19."

And also many people of many contries also suffering from many things.

Japan postponed  OLYMPIC GAMES.

chinese resposbility is so big.

Chinese leader Xi,

consider this thing seriously will you?

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hi everyone of the world. Wash hands, Wash mouth. Wash face everyday !!! 

Hi everyone of the world.

How are you?

I'm fine thank you.

Today, let me say very important opinion to you.

Now CORONA VIRUS spread all of the world.


No good medicine. No good medical tearment.

What should we do ???

Wash hands, Wash mouth, Wash face, everyday !!!

It's very important for you to improve the siutation.

Wash hands, Wash mouth, Wash face, makes you strong !!!

Do that everyday will you ???

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Joe Biden will make the bright future of U.S.A. Many people say so !!!!.

Joe Biden will make the bright future of U.S.A.

Many people say so.

Joe Biden knoes Democracy very well.


Also he knows American people's daily life.

Joe Biden knows American people's happiness.







Sunday, February 16, 2020

The candidates of Democrats U.S.A. Show the big power will you?

Hi the candidates of Democrats U.S.A. President.

Show the big power will you?

Now the many people not only U.S.A. but also the world interested in U.S.A. Presidential race.

50% people of the world say,

"Democrats lost the super power."

And 50% people of the world say,

"Democrats of U.S.A. has a special power still now. And Finally The candidate of Democrats win 

the Predidential race. Demcrats can make splendid U.S.A."

What do you think about this both opinions?

"Trump win the race?"

"The candudate of Democrats win the race?"

Tell me your opinion will you?

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Prime Minister of U.K. Boris Johson. Listen my opinion will you?.

Prime minister of U.K.

Listen my opinion will you?

After U.K. left E.U. Let's make the alliance Japan and U.K.

More than 100 years ago, The alliance Japan and U.K. existed.

Let's make the strong alliance one more time.

The alliance will save not only Europe but also the world.

Now the situation of the world is very strict.

One strong leader of the world can't save the world.

But aailance can save the world.

Mr. Boris Johson, Think about the Alliance of Japan and U.K. will you?

The alliance make people so happy.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Can President Trump win the next Presidential race? It's not the easy job!!!

Many people of the world ask me,

"Can Trump win the next Presidential race?"

I answer,

"It's not easy job."

They also ask me,"

"Candidates of Democrats STRONG?"

I answer,

"I don't know.  Presidential race is 50%-50%."


The candidates  of American President must know that.

Nobody helps American President.

They believe their own abiity and power.

People hope to thei good job!!!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe、”The Alliance of Japan and U.S.A.." saves the world !!

Peaple of the world.

Listen my opinion seriously.

The Alliance of Japan and U.S.A. is very improtant.

The alliance saves the world.

Japanese Prime Minister and President of U.S.A. Trump must  know that seriously.

Now the world, China and Russia are very  dangerous country.

Both leaders try to control the world.

Many people of the world never know that.

The alliance of  Japan and U.S. protect the danger of China and Russia.

The alliance keeps  the balance of the  world.

People of the world know that will you?

Thank you for listening my opinion.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Chinese Leader Xi. Listen my opinion will you? Freedom is very improtant !!

Chinese Leader Xi. Listen my opinion will you?

Freedom is very important.

Now Chinese people have no freedom.

They want to have freedom eagerly.

Freedom makes people strong.

But in China. Leaders control people strongly.


Chinese Leader Xi.

The real freedom make people wise and strong.

People will be able to make splendid country.

Mr. Xi. Think freedom wil you?

For the bright future  of China.

Friday, January 10, 2020

North Korean Leader KIm. Let's make the strong land where new industries grow !!!

North Korean Leader Kim.

Let's make the strong land where new industries  grow.

Now many people of  the world say about North Korea,

"Bad Rocket Man's dangerous Contry."

Leader Kim. Do you love this word?

I don't think so.

Leader Kim, at first you must say this word.


After this word,

"The happiness of North Korea will come absolutely."

South Korea, Japan, U.S.A. help and assist to make THE NEW NORTH kOREA.

Leader Kim. Your good decision saves not only your contry but also Asia and World.

You msut this important thing seriously !!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

President Trump. Check Rusian Aciton will you?

President Trump. Check Russian Action will you?

The New Cold War begins now.

Russia will supprot Iran absolutely.

And Iran will depend on Russia.

President Trump. Do you recognize that?

Russia will give high level weapons soon.

U.S. Army will be suffering from that.

Finnaly The War of U.S.A. vs Russia will begin soon.

President Trump. Do you have the counter policies?

Find the good poicies will you?

People of the world hope President Trump's GOOD JOB.

GOOD JOB is President Trump's DUTY !!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Can American people trust President Trump? 50% !!!

Many American people ask me,

"Can American people trust President Trump?"

I answered them at that time,

" 50% "

Many people of the world asked me,

"Can many people of the world trust Prsident Trump?"

! aksed them at that time,

" 20% "

President Trump must know this thing seriously.

President Trump's job of next term isn't easy.

President Trump must find the new excellent poicy!

For U.S.A. For the world.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Hapy New Year President Trump. Will you suggest North korean Leader Kim, How to make rich county !!!

Happy New Year President Trump.

Will you suggest North Korean Leader Kim,

"How to make rich contry."

Kim never know that.

To make rockets saves North Korea?

No !!! Never !!!


Kim begin to walk the road to rich country.

North Korea can make rich country absoutely.

President Trump,

Will you help and assist North Korea Kim>

Many people of the world hope so.