Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 30 Saturday '11

If the big disaster comes again in Japan, People protect themselves from that.
I don't think so.
Japanese Government must make plan of next disasters.
Now, People of disaster area is surffering from daily life still now.
The big disaster is very dangerous.
All people must know that.
Of people by people for people.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 28 Thursday '11

Japan's power, various fields recover soon?
I don't think so.
The lack of leader-ship.
In Japan. No real leader. To many Small Leaders exists now.
But, no strong leader in Japan.
People hope that the Real Strong Leader will appear.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 27 Wednesday '11

Where will Japan go? Over the rainbow? Far away planets?
Noboby knows the correct answer.
But, I know that nowadays Japan's situation is no good.
Who improve that? Mr.Ozawa?
I don't think so.
When will finish the monkey battle? Continue forever?
No thanl you.
May be, almost Japanese people think so.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 26 Tuesday '11

The monbers of Opposite Party in Japan requested Prime Minister kan's resign.
And also Anti Kan members, Ozawa family requested Kan's resagin,
If Mr. Kan resign Prime Mnister, Will Japan be better?
I don't think so.
May be, Monkey battle every day.
Japan will be lost a lot of trust.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 15 Friday '11

Who improves Japanese people's English ability? Prime Minister? Who?
Tell me please.
Especially Daily Conversation Ability is so bad.
Who improves that?
Tell me. Oh, tell me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 14 Thursday '11

There was the famous proverb in Japan. Disaster turned to Hapiness.
I hope that the Mega Disaster of East Japan turns to Hapiness of Japan.
May be, almost Japanese people think so too.
It's good enough time to rebuild in Japan.
Will you do me a favor?
Stop the monkey battle of politicians.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 13 Wednesday '11

In Japan, Spring has come completely.
51 years ago, I entered elementary school. 
Cerry blossoms are never change.
But, Japan has changed completely.
When I was 7 year-old, Japan has begun to economic growth.
What will Japan begin?
Nobody answers.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 11 monday '11

A month passed when the big disaster occured.
Almost people of disaster area can't back to thier ordinary daily life.
To spend evacuation rooms is not easy.
Thier daily life isn't comfortable.
When will they back home?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 9 Saturday '11

Tomorrow, April 10 is Unified local elections in Japan.
Will you do me a favor young people?
Don't abstain on the elections.
Please vote absolutely.
Young people's opinions are very important for Japan's future.
Let me say again.
Please vote absolutely.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Daily of Seiji Ninomiya April 4 monday

Japan today is an aging society. Spurring aging rapidly. Nobody can stop that.
Who improves the situation?
I always wonder.
I know that almost elderly people think themselves still young.
There are many many still young people in japan.
Near the future, almost Japanese people will be still young people.
Japan's nickname became still young people's land absolutely.