Saturday, July 30, 2016

Ms Hillary Clinton had better show the vision to make New U.S.A.

Ms Hillary Clinton had better show the vision to make New U.S.A.

Now people of the world expect Ms Hillary Clinton.

A lot of people say,

"Ms Hillary Clinton can make Strong U.S.A. And help and assist our country."

Ms Hillary Clinton must listen to their opinion.

May be She will be the first female President of U.S.A.

So show the vision and policy to people of the world will you?

Ms Hillary Clinton makes New story and New history.

She  will be President of Strong and Great America.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Now America is heated. People are exciting so much. They believe next President is Ms. Hillary Clinton.

Now, America is heated. People are exciting so much.

They believe next President is Ms. Hillary Clinton.

Her words,

"For American together."

Very valuable words.

Ms. Hillary Clinton can do many thing.

And she has many friends of overseas.

She works as leader of the world.

Many countries support her.

Ms. Hillary Clinton will make bright future not only U.S.A. but also the world.

We expect Ms. Hillary Clinton's good job.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hi American people, Remember President Obama's words will you? America is already great. Already strong.

Hi American People, Remember President Obama's words.

America is already great. America is already strong.

This is very important words.

Because, Almost American people lost the big confidence.

Over confidence is very dangerous. But reasonable confidence is good.

That always give the power to American people.

Of course, America has many serious problems  to resolve.

American people's confidence can resolve that.

So remember, President Obama's words.

America is already great. America is already strong.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Mr. Trump had better improve the policy. Dangerous.

Mr. Trump had better improve the policy.

It's very dangerous for U.S.A. to do that.

If Mr. Trump will be Next President, big economic panic may happen.

Big economic panic destroy American power.

American people of the future will say,

"Mr. Trump was the worst President of U.S.A."

Mr. Trump never hopes that.

So, Mr. Trump had better improve the policy.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sweet words never make NEW STRONG AMERICA.

American leaders had better my words seriously.

Sweet words never make NEW STRONG AMERICA.

American leaders must show the policy to make NEW STRONG AMERICA.

Now many many people complain their daily life.

Rich becomes more rich and Poor becomes more poor.

Various Fields Gap is bigger and bigger.

Next president's job is so hard more than control an old fashioned ship.

Leaders must show how to create now jobs.

How to improve poor people's daily life.

How to tie friendship foreign countries.

The leader who has old fashioned ideas is very dangerous for U.S.A.

Let me say again.


Friday, July 22, 2016

Hi American people, listen my words please. Many people of the world say, "Now we can't trust U.S.A."

Hi American people, listen my words carefully please.

Many people of the world say,

"Now we can't trust U.S.A."

Do you know that?


The news of U.S.A. reported day after day,


People of the world say,

"Come again great America. This words is only dream which can't come true."

All American people had better listen the words from all of the world.

And the real leader of America must say,


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Can Mr. Trump make BIG PROSPERITY OF U.S.A.? Can Mr. Trump save MIDDLE CLASS OF U.S.A.?

Can Mr. Trump make BIG PROSPERITY OF U.S.A.?

Can Mr. Trump save MIDDLE CLASS OF U.S.A.?

Can Mr. Trump protect illegal immigrants from the world?

Can Mr. Trump make people of U.S.A. happy?

Can Mr. Trump become the good president of U.S.A.?

Many people anxious about those issue.

Mr. Trump is a new type candidate of U.S.A.

Many people can't comprehend his words and his action.

Mr. Trump must explain his vision more and more. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ms. Hillary Clinton, will you make the society without GUN VIOLENCE? We hate GUN VIOLENCE.

We hear the news about terrible gun violence day after day.

I'm sick so heavy.

Many people say,

"We don't like terrible gun violence. When finish terrible gun violence?"

Ms. Hillary Clinton, will you make the society without GUN VIOLENCE?

After gun violence, many people died.

The society without GUN VIOLENCE makes NEW SPLENDID U.S.A.

Ms. Hillary Clinton, you can do that soon.

Yes, you can. Yes, you can.

We shall overcome against GUN VIOLENCE someday.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Does the situation of the world begin to world-wide-level war? A revolution happened in Turkey.

Does the situation of the world begin to world-wide-level war?

I don't know.

A revolution happened in Turkey.

The situation of the world is very serious now.

Who improves the situation of Middle East?


The situation becomes worse and worse.

Near the future,

Africa, East Europe, East Asia, China,

Those countries' domestic situation will become worse and worse.

We don't know what we should do.

But we protect the world-wide-level war.

Let's keep our peace world altogether.

Take action now..

Friday, July 15, 2016

Let's believe Mis. Hillary Clinton. She will be a good president of U.S.A.

Let's believe Mis. Hillary Clinton. She will be a good president of U.S.A.

Mis Hillary Clinton is Good wife, Good mother, Good woman.

She knows the history of U.S.A.

And she can make the new story and the history of U.S.A.

Now U.S.A. has a lot of serious problems.

Do you resolve and improve the situation?

May be NO.

Let's believe Mis Hillary Clinton's ability and her action.

She can change the bad situation to good situation.

She will make bright days of U.S.A. and prosperity.

Next president is Mis Hillary Clinton.

We think so.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Senator Sanders' action saves U.S.A. Now U.S.A. faces hardest things.

Senators Sanders' action saves U.S.A.

Endorse and Support Mis. Clinton will you?

We believe you will do so.

Now U.S.A. faces many hardest thing.

Many domestic problems exist.

Many diplomatic problem exist.

Who resolve that?

Of course, all American people should do that.

Mis. Clinton conduct all American people at first.

So, Senator Sanders' endorse and support is very important for American future.

We expect his good job. All American people think so.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Now U.S.A. stands up the big turning point to the future.

Now U.S.A. stands up the big turning point.

People of U.S.A. must chose the bright future or the bad future.

No American people love the bad future.

American people will try to make the bright future.

People must learn how to make the American bright future.

It's not easy way for American people.

But finally American people will overcome many hard things.

At first American people must learn what the gun is.

And also learn how to use the gin.

The gun isn't tool to kill neighbors.

Don't  misuse the gun all the time.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Yesterday, An Afro. American cry and cry with tears so heavy, "Tell me what is the reason of the guilty?"

Yesterday, my acquaintance Afro. American girl cry and cry,

"Oh Seiji, what is the reason of the guilty ? Tell me. Tell me."

"Don't cry so heavy. ."

I said her.

She also said,

"Our dark skin is the big guilty in American society? Tell me Seiji."

"Your dark skin is so beautiful. Don't say such a thing."

After my words, she continues her words.


"No, you had better try to build one strong America. Bright skin people and Dark skin people are

the same American. Try, try one strong beautiful America.  it's not easy job. But someday you

can do that completely. Believe your future. Trust your future. Build the new history of U.S.A."

After my words, she quite cry with tears.

I said her,


And we sang,

"Saints go march in."

She smiled.

Friday, July 8, 2016

People of the world watched the news that series of American gun fight. U.S. need GUN CONTROL.

People of the world watched the news that series of American gun fight.

And they said,

"American people is wild people like wild buffaloes. Stupid."

Do American people know that?

May be NO.

Bad images spread day by day.

Can Afro. American state build from now.

It's impossible.

American people had better think GUN CONTROL.

Bad image will U.S. completely.


American people must think this seriously.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The inside of radical terrorists. Do you know that?

The inside of radical terrorists. Do you know that?

Let me explain that.

Almost terrorists have a heavy inferiority complex.

Against Progressed countries. Against top rich people. Against political system of own countries.

Almost terrorists always think,

"They harass us anytime anywhere. We must kill them and change political system."

After that, terrorists have new weapons. they think,

"We are strong. People are always afraid of us. We must make the new world."

but terrorists is only terrorists. Terrorism make nothing. Only people die.

Terrorists must know that now.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Now U.K. is confusing so much. Almost people of U.K. think, "Our action is fail." They cry in their heart, "Help us."

Now U.K. is confusing so much.

Almost people of U.K. think,

"Our action is fail."

And also they cry in their heart,

"Help us."

Who helps U.K.?

I don't know.

Can U.K. recover soon by their hands?


Progressed countries must help  U.K.

Japan had better invest a lot of things a lot of fields.

That action is not only for U.K. but also for progressed countries.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Will you help U.K. immediately?

We expect your action.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Bangladesh terrorists group in killed 20 hostages in Dhaka.

Bangladesh terrorists group killed 20 hostages

Authority confirmed 9 Italian 1 American 1 Indian 7 Japanese bodies.

They killed two nonresistant Japanese women.


Yes, they are.

We never forgive them.

God punish them soon.

And they will go hell.

Terrorism makes nothing.

Will you hostages say from heaven,

"We never forgive Bangladesh terrorists group."

Let me say condolences on victims.

And let me say again.

We never forgive Bangladesh terrorists group.