Saturday, August 30, 2014

Prime Minister of U.K. David Cameron, would you show the strong leadership to the world?

Prime Minister of U.K. David Cameron, would you show the strong leadership to the world?
Many places in this world. Situation is so terrible.
Africa, Middle east Ukraine-Russia, China, Korean peninsular, etc.
The world need your strong leadership.
Show the strong leadership.
Improve the situation.
You have the good enough power to do that.
We expect that.

Thank you.
Seiji Ninomiya.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

From now to the future, U.S.A. must accept Chinese people. It's the very serious problem.

From now to the future, U.S.A. must accept Chinese people.
It's the very serious problem.
I know a lot of Chinese American Citizens.
They are very good citizens.
But from now, a lot of Chinese people will come U.S.A.
A lot of means Millions of people.
They will be able to good American citizens?
I think less than 30% Chinese people will be able to good American citizens.
American people know the danger of this problem?
Many be NO.
Take care !

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What do you think about THE BIG SEXUAL HARASSMENT from a female?

What do you think about the big sexual harassment from a female?
Listen my story carefully.
The party after Sochi Olympics, The terrible story had begun.
Seiko Hashimoto(President of Japan Skating federation and Law-maker upper house)suddenly
kissed Daishuke Takahashi(The member of Sochi Olympics Figure Skate) many times.
At first Daishuke refused Kisses from President.
But finally he accept her heavy kisses.
The top of JOC members said,
"This action is no problem."
But I don't think so.
What did she think at that time.
She must explain us.
Where is moral?
Very saddest story of Japan.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

China and Russia had better change political system for the world.

I know that two leaders of China and Russia are suffering from many things.
Surface is very strong and stiff.
But inside・・・・・・・・・・・・・.
Those two countries political systems are out of date.
It's the 19 century style.

Now progressed countries of this world many many high level people work many places.
But China and Russia don't like progressed countries.
Who improves the situation?
Two leaders?
It's not easy job.
But they must do that for the world.

Thank you.
Seiji Ninomiya.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The President of South Korea Park must face the truth of during World War Ⅱ

The President of South Korea Park, Do you know the position of South Korea in this world.
Almost people of this world don't like South Korea.
Many people hate your country now.
You must know this serious situation immediately otherwise you destroy your country.
The article of Asahi News Paper about comfort women isn't the truth.
Journalist misunderstood at that time.
Now Asahi News Paper admitted the big mistake.
Mis Park you must understand the truth of comfort women at first.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Now, we must support President Obama for not only U.S.A. but also the world.

Now, we must support President Obama for not only U.S.A. but also the world.
Don't think the past time.
Situation is very serious.
Let's help Iraq and Iraqi people.
Ladies and Gentlemen, at first we must support and help President Obama as you know.
Please remember my words.
The White House sent me a very important mail about Iraq.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

In Japan, local cities about to die. How about your countries?

In Japan, local cities about to die.
Only Tokyo Metropolitan city is bigger and bigger.
Tokyo is the Miracle City.
But other cities case.
They are smaller and smaller.
Almost people know that.
But they never comprehend that the situation is very serious.
Near the future those cities may become Detroit.
Who can improve the situation?
How about your countries?
Same as Japan?
Tell me the situation.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Near the future, Will China be No.1 country of this world?

Near the future, Will China be No.1 country of this world?
What do you think about that?
I think, "NO."
Because, China never understand international situation.
And Chinese one party system can't control Chinese people.
This 20 years, Japan gave high technology to China.
But Japan didn't teach how to control people.
Body of China is so big.
But it's brain is kinder garden level.
Near the future China will confuse absolutely.
So, China won't be able to No.1 country of this world.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

American people must consider, "GUN CONTROL" SERIOUSLY.

American people must consider, "GUN CONTROL" seriously.
That is very important thing not only U.S.A. but also the world.
Broadcast always says about the INCIDENT WITH GUN day after day.
What does American think about this?
I don't know.
But this is so saddest thing.
Let's make the society without GUN.
We have the duty of making bright future for next generation.
So, will you consider, "GUN CONTROL" seriously?
I expect American people's action eagerly.

Monday, August 4, 2014


How are you?
May be feeling good.
Because today is your birthday.
I always on your side.
I always expect your good job.
Now the situation of U.S.A. isn't easy.
The job of President U.S.A. is so hard.
But President Barack Obama shall overcome finally.
Walk strongly.
Run strongly.
People of the world support you.

Seiji Ninomiya Japan.

Do you trust Republicans? Republicans must go right way now.

Do you trust Republicans?
Republicans go wrong way.
They must go right way.
People can't trust Republicans.
People of the world never forget such a bad action of Republicans.
U.S.A. must keep the Super power all the time.
Do American people want to see WEAK U.S.A.?
May be NO.
Republican must think THE FUTURE OF U.S.A. seriously.
So, Go right way now !

Friday, August 1, 2014

People of U.S.A. Do you know the dignity of President U.S.A.?

Hello American people. How are you?
I was very surprised at Republicans decision.
If U.S.A. continue such a strange action,
All people of the world can't trust U.S.A.
Don't do poor action.
That will destroy U.S.A. absolutely.
Please remember my words.